Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Notes from the Field: Existential Cupcaketology

"By releasing the pressure of
reality upon our lives,
fantasy convinced us that
life itself had no hold upon us.
 We belonged to no place or country,
no class, profession, or generation.
Our truth lay elsewhere.
-Simone de Beauvoir

A cupcake is a cupcake... until's it's not.

Pink meringue takes the form of a cupcake, and gets stuffed to the gills with nutella and strawberries. 

Yeah.  Lots of deep thoughts over here lately.  

Meringue Recipe Courtesy of Martha Stewart.


katie said...

all of these cupcakes with nutella are killing me.

ohrabe said...

Oh my god. This one. This. One. Is. Killing. Me.