Friday, January 29, 2010

Case Study 50: "The Golden One"

"No single event can awaken within us 
a stranger totally unknown to us.  
To live is to be slowly born." 
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

If determined by nothing but my first meals in the world, I suppose I was destined to love baking.  In the days after my birth, my mother, a lifelong culinarian herself, stuffed her face with what she claims was the most heavenly coconut cake in the world.  And so, 50 cupcakes later, here we are. 

When I started The Cupcaketologist nearly a year and a half ago, it began as a place to share never-ending baking adventures.  But I think it has evolved into more: a story of how food and life are bound together by people and places, by trial and error, and by imagination and dreams.  A study in how experience can inspire creativity in the kitchen, and how creativity in the kitchen can then inspire self-discovery.

True to my roots, and in honor of a golden anniversary in cupcaketology, "The Golden One" is a coconut cupcake with Italian meringue frosting and sweetened coconut, and topped with a golden fondant heart.  

So with 50 cupcakes past, and who knows how many to come, the only thing I have to say is thanks!  Thank you for your feedback, thank you reading, thank you for eating, and most of all, thanks for being part of something special and fun.  I look forward to whatever adventures we have to come together, both in the kitchen and out.      


Ciara said...

Happy Cupcakeversary! Lovin' your work. xxx

The Cupcaketologist said...

Tanks girl xxx